Monday, February 28, 2005

Wow...So I'm lazy and just now getting around to posting

Rain falls hard from an unforgiving night sky. A blinding flash of light reveals the surrounding alleyway for a brief moment. In the distance, amid the constant drone of the storm, the sounds of a concert letting out can be heard. A small venue, located in the middle of a run down city block, explodes outwards with people as the show ends. People head for various parking lots or structures in hopes of getting home before the rain gets too bad.

All but two. A couple, young, head for an alley to the left of the entrance. They appear to be barely out of high school. She is petite in a black tank top and bright pink running shorts. Following the socks that start at her knees and head down reveals a well kept pair of Chucks. The smell of pot clings to her like an acrid perfume.

His appearance is no less stereotypical. His black leather jacket is studded with shiny silver spikes. His hair is black, spiked. An eyebrow ring shies above bloodshot eyes. Tight jeans lead down to a pair of black boots.

As soon as they are a comfortable distance into the darkness of the alley they begin to hastily undress one another in a flurry og raging hormones. Completely unknown to them, ten feet above them in the shadow of a balcony two peircing blue eyes watch them patiently. They have seen this scenario play out before.

The young lady with the golden hair removes the man's jacket and begin to pull off his shirt. She stops with it half pulled up and reaches back above her head.

When her hand returns to his sight, the young man does not see the same milk white hand that was unbuttoning his pants. A twisted visage of a human hand flies towards his exposed chest with alarming alacricity, talons reaching to cleave skin. Dark, pock marked and liver spotted skin seems to move as if something is alive beneath it.

Just before the blow is struck, however, the hand comes to a sudden stop. The young man is vaugely aware of another presence in the alleyway and looks up to see a pair of deep blue eyes staring at him. "Leave," the body of they eyes says. Wasting no time the young man takes off into the night.

The woman hisses, the sound becoming more and more feral the longer it lasts. Her skin twists and heaves, taking on the appearance of a creature under a blanket. With a sudden unexpected burst of strength she renches her arm from the strangers grasp. She turns to face, skin splitting like a tight shirt stretched just the wrong way.

From the husk of a human form, something altogether sinister emerges. It pulls itself to its full heighth, almost seven feet. Finely scaled skin glistens in the rain, stark white eyes stare into the stranger. Muscles under scales become visibly taught, as if readying for a pounce. A serpentine tongue flicks out from a visciously fanged maw, testing the air.

The stranger recoils. "What the hell are you?"

With a viscious roar the creature slams into the stranger, sending him through the brick wall of the alleyway, into an abandoned office. As the dust settles it bounds upwards onto the roof and takes off sprinting.

As it nears a stair entrance on the roof of the concert venue a foot bursts forth from the shadow, sending the beast sprawling down the side. As it falls the stranger steps out into the moonlight, fully visible for the first time.

His skin is dark, slightly incorperal in appearance, like a shadow. Hair possesing the same quality in appearance waves in the breeze. Topping his head is a jet black fedora, and a revrend's coat beads the rain off his body. he is MidKnight, and this alley is part of his domain.

He steps back into the shadow cast by the doorway and steps out of a shadow in the alley, directly behind the creature.

"I don't know where you ugly sons-of-bitches have been comming from lately, or even why you picked my fucking side of town to pop into, but I'm really getting sick of it."

Shadows swirl around his right hand and he delivers a mighty punch to the side of the beast as it stands. It stumbles back a few feet, but quickly recovers and charges him.

The beast catches MidKnight at full speed, sending him sprawling out of alleyway. Like a jungle cat it pounces on him, not paying any head to the pedestrians and bums that are watching in awe.

Pinning MidKnight to the ground with one hand, the beast begins jabbing with its sharp, taloned hand at Mid's face. Struggling to regain an even footing with this monstrosity, MidKnight delivers a feirce kick to the side of it's torso. It howls as it flies to the right, landing on it's side.

Immediately MidKnight leaps to his feet. Reaching into his cloak he removes the key to his powers.

"Shadowblade..." the beast hisses, standing.

"How do you know what this is?" MidKnight asks, mostly to himself.

Before MidKnight can react, the scaled horror taked off down another alley at blinding speed. Not one to be outdone in a foot race, MidKnight proceeds to follow. The alleyway proves to be almost black, shadows clinging to every inch like cobwebs. Exaclty the kind of situation Mid wants to be in. Stepping into a nearby shadow, he is transported into the Shadow Realm. Here he travels with speeds unmatched and soon is caught up with his quarry. Deciding to take the tactical route he steps into the Material Realm on a ledge above and in front of it.

Apparently it was expecting that. As soon as MidKnight reappears the atrocity leaps at him, knocking him off the ledge as it scrambles towards the roof.

"Enough of this game," MidKnight mutters as he rights himself to land on his feet. Another quick step into the grey of the Shadow Realm and MidKnight is beside the beast, blade swirving toward its side.

It cuts deep, and again the creature howls a ghastly note, enough to make the blood of men turn to ice. Lucky for MidKnight he's not human. It stumbles back and Mid leaps at it, Shadowblade aimed at the throat, hoping for kill.

With a deft arm manuver the opponent deflects the Shadowblade, but not MidKnight. He collides with the creature and the two go sprawling off the side of the roof into the darkness below. Mid prepares for the sudden feel of concrete rushing to meet his body, but it never comes. About fifteen feet down he and the beast become ensnared in something...

Lights. So many lights. All at once. Almost too much to bear. The creature, whatever it is, is loosing it. Loosing it...inside the net! "Shit!" cries MidKnight as he cuts a small hole in the rigging that holds him and collapses onto the ground beneath him.

"Well what have we here?" a voice asks. "It seems we picked up an unexpected prize tonight!"


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